
Leading by Example:  ASIJ implements Green Initiatives

Our hats go off to the students and community at the American School in Japan for their eco-initiatives and continued commitment to doing their part to preserve our planet. ASIJ continues to take great strides towards green initiatives by implementing school-wide sustainable practices that include subsidized reusable water bottles, student run composting, reusable plates and coffee cups, and energy efficient light bulbs. Not to mention, newly installed solar panels above the gym and pool that aim to reduce energy consumption by 40% this year. This solar energy system is equipped with an interactive monitoring system with real-time data that clearly demonstrates how much power is being used at any given moment, as well as depicting the amount of energy being generated at the same time by the panels. This key feature in “monitoring” the impact of individual action clearly separates this school program from the rest. Not to mention, the students themselves are taking initiative by leading an environmental awareness program to continue to spread the eco-word and educate the student body. Love the preemptive forward thinking and collaboration. How LUXtastic!

“Learning how we use and can create energy directly ties to our mission of creating globally responsible individuals and our values as a school that aims to be environmentally aware.” Quote ASIJ


This strong mission statement combined with aligned action is definitely something to be proud of! What an amazing impact this school is having, by taking responsibility and realizing they can make a difference. Leading by example and realizing the monstrous positive impacts of minor adjustments in our daily lives is crucial for the future of our planet. I hope this story inspires you to take individual action in your own life. What small incremental change will you make today to be a part of the “change you want to see in the world?”

Tagged in: green, environment, solar panels, american school in japan, eco-initiative,

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