
New CD imparts secrets of love

Love guru and best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein knows what she is talking about when it comes to romantic relationships. Now with her help, you just may be able to as well. Her recently released CD Medidating: Meditations for Fearless Romance (Hay House) teaches listeners how to become a magnet for love by releasing romantic illusions, battling fears and insecurities, ramping up their attraction quotient and discovering a perfect partner.

Through 11 tracks, the relationship program details easy breathing exercises, visualizations and mental reconditioning. Learn how to enhance and streamline your dating while drawing on your inner guidance to meet your ideal lover.

Individuals often let unfortunate past relationship experiences harm the present, creating negative vibes in their new relationships. This anger then sabotages the health of the new partnership. When you let go of this past hurt, you can generate space for love.

For those lucky enough to be in the New York area, join Bernstein in a celebration of the CD’s release on Feb. 8 at 6:15 p.m. EST. For those who are not, the event will be livestreamed.

Whether single, dating or in a relationship, the event will teach how to eliminate blocks to the presence of love within and generate more love in your life. Bernstein will share an hour-long talk with a Q&A after. Tickets are $10 and sold at the door.

The affair will be held at the ABC Deepak Homebase at 888 Broadway 19th St., New York, N.Y. To view the event livestreamed, purchase a copy of the CD and send your receipt to to receive the live streaming details.

For more information, visit The CD is sold in venues such as

Tagged in: love, medidating, gabrielle bernstein, romantic relationships, cd,

Lifestyle / Relationships


LadyLUX via Medidating

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