
New Marketing Techniques: Do they work?

Change is inevitable; yet many times we are forced by external conditions before we truly take inventory.

Well, this economic condition and reduced shopping statistics are the exact motivators that companies needed to re-evaluate previous marketing methods. However, this doesn’t always mean a great experience for us as consumers.

As we know, the aim for any marketing campaign is to expand audience reach. In fashion, the goal is to increase foot traffic. The ways in which this is achieved can either be seen as a pest or a perk.

For instance, the ‘Mocha’ on Monday’s campaign offered you a free drink to help build awareness for the McCafe brand. Many of us would enjoy this additional offer, however, not all campaigns are this pleasant. Some fashion retailers are getting to the point of trying to entice you into the store in a more direct fashion. For example, hawking $2 tank tops on the street directly in front of the main retail location. Some other common methods include getting you to try out sample-testers of different perfumes, lotions and other various products.

As you can see, the marketing campaigns to get your attention are becoming much more ‘hands-on’ than in previous years. We would love to know what this means to you, since it’s your voice that’s most important! wink

So, LUXies have you noticed a difference in the way fashion retailers are trying to get your attention? Are there marketing techniques that you prefer or one’s that do exactly the opposite of their intended affect?

Tagged in: shopping, economy, commerce, consumer opinions, campaigns, retailer, marketing techniques,

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