
Queen Elizabeth Plants Her Own Royal Garden at Buckingham Palace

Calling all eco-LUXies, Queen Elizabeth II has just planted a garden patch in the royal grounds at Buckingham Palace as she leads the way in modeling how to grow your own organic produce especially in these challenging times! wink

That’s right, due to the recession there has been a surge in demand for people to grow their own food, especially in the UK.

The Queen’s royal garden will include all organic vegetables and is about 10 yards by eight yards in size!! The most important part of farming organic produce is to use no chemical fertilizers, so instead she is using only liquid seaweed to fertilizer and garlic to fight the aphids. Not to mention, the garden is tended and hand-watered allowing for water conservation and close inspection. The mulch used will be supplied from her compost! Who knew her majesty was so forward-thinking and schooled in ‘green’ principles??

The Queen is not new to the green theme. With or without the influence of her son, Prince Charles, she has already instituted changes at her summer retreat, Balmoral, in Scotland. She has a small hydro-electric plant developed on a stream in the estate forest that generates enough to supply electricity to the 1,000 residents in the area with the excess sold to the national grid. All the woodlands are registered with the Forestry Stewardship Council and serious recycling takes place. –via

Some of the vegetables planted include: runner beans, onions, leeks, sweet corn, beetroot, carrots and endangered variety of climbing French Beans called ‘Blue Queen.’

We can officially say that ‘allotment’ organic gardens are now the ‘in’ pastime, for what could be better then eating fresh vegetables and fruit from your won backyard?? It helps to pursue a healthy diet and gives back to our planet! A complete win-win, which makes for a LUX-tastic solution!! wink


Tagged in: green, united kingdom, farming, garden, buckingham palace, allotment garden, organic vegetables, queen elizabeth,


Tim Graham/Getty

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