
Single vs. Married Sleep Quality, What Truly Matters To Get More Sleep?

LUXies, we all know how important the quality of our sleep is to our healthy—however, did you know that sleep quality is also highly correlated to our intimate relationships as well??? It’s true. The quality of sleep and a woman’s health are a direct link to our relationships.

According to an eight-year study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, if you are a woman in a committed relationship and have a regular companion in bed then you tend to sleep more soundly then those who are considered ‘single.’ They also found that the ‘quality’ of the relationship had a factor in the ‘quality’ of sleep experienced as well as how that affected how each of you slept. So it is not just about being in a relationship that affects the way women sleep.

Why do you think relationships could impact how we sleep?

Some experts propose it is a lifestyle difference and includes an accountability factor. When you are in a committed relationship, you tend to be on more of a routine and sleep pattern with your partner. Where when you partner sleeps you sleep; this helps to establish a routine that is a contributing factor to the sleep quality factor. In contrast, as a single woman, there is not that set schedule necessarily or any one to keep you accountable to a routine bedtime schedule. Your lifestyle may be dedicated to other priorities and sleep could be more of variable factor based on other time commitments.

Sleep plays a vital role in promoting a woman’s health and well being. Getting the required amount of sleep is likely to enhance a woman’s overall quality of life, including the quality of her relationship. –via American Academy of Sleep Medicine

LUXies, regardless of your relationship status, it’s crucial to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night! The study did also find that the length of time you’ve been in your relationship could also impact the quality of sleep. Reason being the more time spent in the relationship equated to more time to adjust to your partner’s sleeping habits. As you can see, there’s no set standard to what creates a successful sleeping habit, but it is clear that sleep is crucial to our lives!

Here are some recommended tips given by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine to have a more satisfied sleeping experience: keep a consistent bedtime routine, wake up the same time every morning, establish a peaceful setting in your bedroom, avoid any caffeinated drinks before bed, avoid exercise before bed, and try to keep your bedroom dark and cool.

We would love to hear from you LUX Nation

!! Have you found that intimate relationships affect your quality of sleep?


Tagged in: relationships, women, women, happiness, sleep quality, research study, partnerships, single versus married, habits,

Lifestyle / Wellness

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