
Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle With “Return to Origin”

At a loss of what to do with those empty lipstick tubes and compacts? Starting April 2nd, Origins is launching a recycling program called “Return to Origins” and will be collecting any cosmetic packaging, all brands included, at retail locations and department store counters. A bonus incentive is being offered to those that participate in the launch, swapping used packages for a deluxe sample from their “A Perfect World” collection.

Parent company Estee Lauder Cos. has already instated environmental efficiency initiatives, establishing the “Back to MAC” recycling program with MAC Cosmetics and wind-powered plans with Aveda. The company feels strongly about all things green and is therefore trying to make it as easy as possible for the consumer to recycle. They have assured us that all “unrecyclables” will be be transformed into other resources such things as steam heat for buildings.

User friendly is one of the key buzz phrases of efficiency, which is LadyLUX’s mantra. We love that Origins and Estee are helping us take the guess work out of recycling, especially since consumer packaging accounts for one third of all landfill waste.

Tagged in: mac, recycle, estee lauder, aveda, environmental efficiency, origins, return to origins,


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