
Bad Economic News, Advantage For The Working Woman

It seems this economic downturn does have a silver lining after all, or should I say pink? That is right, women are coming out ahead on this one and LadyLUX is here to share why. In a new and dramatic fashion, one of the largest workplace revolutions since World War II is currently taking place in America. In the 1940s, women had the opportunity to enter the workforce and demonstrate their ability to take a job outside the home. This was a pivotal point in expanding the definition of women’s typical role. Aren’t we thankful LUX nation?!? 😉 Well, today there is another major dynamic occurring called “Womenomics.” This is the emergence of a trend that allows women to tailor their work lives to better suit their needs. It is a revolution that will provide the opportunity to finally have that work-life balance we have all been wanting.

We have enormous professional clout today. Clout that most women don’t even know about. Survey after survey from California to Norway shows that women are not only good for business, but that companies that employ more senior women actually make more money. Call it Pink Profits. –Claire Shipman and Katty Kay, Huffington Post.

One key aspect of “pink profits” includes our leadership style. That’s right, LUXies, our natural inclusive nature, long-term focus and ability to foster relationships are all crucial aspects to how we contribute to the success of running organizations. Can you imagine the impact if we had a little female blood working at the top of Lehman Brothers? Some question if the economic conditions would be the way it is if women had more influence at the top of the Fortune 500 in the last decade. What do you think? The landscape of the workplace is rapidly changing in this fiscal gloom, since men are losing their jobs at a faster pace then women. Meaning women will soon be the majority and we are also more educated equipping us for success. It looks like all that hard work might just pay off! 😉 Our consumer power has also increased over the years, since we are now outspending men. According to the Huffington Post, women bought more cars then men for the first time in 2007. Since women are becoming the prime consumer, who do you think can cater more accurately to women’s needs better then women themselves? A win-win relationship for companies who employ women at levels of influence! All of these simultaneous changes are allowing women to create more female friendly boardrooms and transforming the way we work. It is no longer about working 60+ weeks and sacrificing the family time. It is about negotiating the best work situation for our lives and now that we are more appreciated then ever, companies are willing to work with their highly valuable female workers. Organizations are seeing that it is the quality of time and not the amount of time that matters. Focusing on the outcomes and not the process, women are able to demand flexible work schedules and other perks for the same amount of money. This down turn is actually causing companies to be more creative in how they compensate their employees to keep them on and flex-time is one of the trade-offs for big bonuses. In the past, women had to “act” like men to be successful in the business arena and claw through that glass ceiling by working longer and harder compared to their male counterparts. Well, it seems that times are changing LUX ladies. Embrace your lovely feminine side and know that is an advantage, especially in these trying times. LIVE.LOVE.LUX.

Tagged in: women, women, work, huffington post, advantage, revolution, womenomics, flex-time, work-life balance,



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