
Divorce Detox: the cure for a broken heart

No relationship is easy. Each has its ups and downs and there are always new issues to be dealt with. Recognizing this, Divorce Detox was created to help build healthier relationships. Whether your marriage is beginning to become rocky, you are considering divorce or you are in the process of a divorce, the detox program is specialized to help you cope and build a better life. Divorce Detox teaches all clients that there is hope after this momentuous transition.

Co-founders Andra Brosh, Ph.D., and Allison Pescosolido, M.A., understand that all stages of divorce are challenging and are there to support you every step of the way. Both Brosh and Pescosolido are divorce recovery specialists, certified Grief Recovery Specialists by the Grief Recovery Institute and have advanced degrees in psychology. They are pro-actively challenging and transforming the stigma of divorce into an opportunity for self-growth. Their Divorce Detox tools, guidance and support deliver efficient and long-lasting results. Their honest advice and approachability has also made them divorce recovery experts for, and Their work primarily helps clients with emotional and financial concerns.

“Divorce Detox is a short-term solution for couples to decide to recommit to their marriage or commit to separation. We provide actionable advice that gets results,” said Pescosolido. “We saw a need and created a program as an experiment. It was popular from the get-go and has grown organically … Divorce creates an organic opportunity for transformation and we wanted to help people facilitate this process,” Pescosolido added.

Being in a dysfunctional marriage is painful. Many people stay in a dysfunctional marriage because they don’t want to be a quitter, they want to stay for their children, they don’t want to be selfish, they are afraid of being alone or they fear financial strain. Many people also leave their dysfunctional marriage because of an affair, extreme unhappiness, lack of passion, a mid-life crisis, abuse, addiction, boredom, manipulation or loss of self.

Although traditional support groups provide a safe environment to express feelings and connect with others, they might make clients continue to feel regret and focus on the past. Divorce Detox programs are designed to make clients think about moving forward. It takes a great amount of courage to seek help and taking action sooner rather than later can relieve pain and suffering in the relationship.

Each Divorce Detox program can cater to your specific needs through individual or group therapy programs. You can also have daily divorce support tips sent directly to your inbox. Programs titles include “Marriage on the rocks?”, “Leaving your marriage?”, “Have you been left?”, “Newly separated?”, “In the process of a divorce?” and “Co-parenting with the ex?”.

“Divorce Detox programs can make the difference between gaining wisdom from divorce and moving forward with the skills needed to create a fulfilling life, or drowning in divorce and possibly never recovering,” said Brosh. “Results from our programs include closing the marriage, healing emotional wounds, divorcing with integrity, separating emotions from negotiations, learning from the past to avoid making the same mistakes again and having a fulfilling relationship,” she explained.

Brosh and Pescosolido work with clients to assess their situation, identify their priorities, and develop a strategy for transformation and healing. Although the detox programs deliver promising results, Brosh and Pescosolido see a need to help in other relationship areas as well.

“Divorce Detox is committed to providing support on a national level to all levels of socioeconomic status. In the next month, we will be offering parenting and dating programs as well,” said Brosh.

Whatever your relationship predicament is, Divorce Detox is the perfect resource to help you find a solution and heal your broken heart.

They are located in Santa Monica, Calif. To start a program today and to learn more about Divorce Detox, visit

Tagged in: marriage, divorce, divorce detox, therapy, separation, counseling, programs, co-parenting,


LadyLUX via Divorce Detox

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