
Eco-Travel: Adrenaline Rush Adventures in Belize

LUXies, nowadays it seems that everyone is promoting ‘eco-travel.’ So we decided to offer something a bit different for all you daredevils out there, Eco-Vacations with a twist!

Want to travel while also volunteering in Belize? You have the option of combining saving sharks and/or crocodiles while spending time in a beach cabaña! The Oceanic Society offers two different 8-day eco-research tours that offer fun in the sun, while also helping to protect two endangered species. Seriously, what could be better? This trip offers to feed your adrenaline addiction, meet LUX standards, and fulfill your humanitarian needs. wink

The save ‘Belize Sharks’ research adventure is possible this June for less then $2,000. The sharks around ‘the reef and sea grass flats of the Turneffe Atoll’ will be the focus of study. This trip requires a certain amount of research in combination with fun in the sun!

The ‘Belize Crocodile’ trip is available this July for less then $2,000 as well, although, the focus of this adventure will be on the crocodile biology and ecology of these ‘living dinosaurs.’ This trip will also combine free time for snorkeling, swimming and rest, although research will be essential to the success of the conservation strategies.

Want something more adventurous, but without the animal fear factor? Try base jumping from the Meru Peak in the Himalayas, which involves jumping off a fixed object with a parachute that opens up in mid-air. This activity offers you the free-fall adrenaline rush without the fuel of an airplane. It’s crucial to note that this activity is much more dangerous then normal sky-diving and that this particular jump would be 6,604 meters in length, so not quite a beginner’s leap.

What about bicycling down a road that drops 12,000 feet over 40 miles? That is what this eco-cycling tour would offer on one of Bolivia’s most dangerous roads. Although, the views are breath-taking and the use of the bike is eco-friendly, it might not be worth the risk of this treacherous adventure.

Nicaragua might just be the perfect stop for any eco-traveler! It offers an abundance of lush protected areas that support endangered species as well as ‘volcano boarding.’ This is an activity that combines a sled-like style over the ash of an active volcano. The positive news, well it seems the molten lave usually only goes down one side of the volcano if it explodes. Good news for all those wanting to take such a risk!

Need a ‘cool dip?’ Try white-water rafting down the Blue Nile River in Africa, which is the most dangerous water adventure the world offers. In the United States, the classification for difficulty usually only ranks on a scale of 1-6, where on the Nile it goes up to a level 10. This whitewater rafting eco-adventure offers a challenge with a twist.

In addition to being even more dangerous then a U.S. Class 6, this mighty river has the added challenges of African crocodiles, sleeping death (due to tsetse flies), malaria, and roaming machete-wielding bandits. –via

It seems eco-vacationing might be friendly for our environment, but quite dangerous for the traveler!! The promise of adventure rings true, although please take pre-caution before booking.
To learn more about eco-friendly tips, visit Planet Green. Happy eco-traveling!

Tagged in: vacations, bicycling, belize, nicaragua, adventures, base jumping, crocodiles, volcano boarding, endangered species tour, aftrica, bolivia, eco-friendly, white-water rafting, meru peak, himalayas,

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