
5 New Ways to Lose Those Extra Inches

We ladies have often fantasized that someday there would be a simple way to just melt away unwanted fat and cellulite. Well, with all that technology out there, it looks like someday has arrived. Check out these new easy, painless ways to drop some dress sizes and contour your shape into something more bikini ready. These five breakthrough procedures are minimally invasive, simple ways to sculpt your body instead of the latest fad diet or the worries of traditional liposuction. So instead of counting calories, count the steps to the nearest treatment clinic and get tighter, younger-looking skin and zap those stubborn regions of fat resistant to diet and exercise.

TruSculpt uses radio frequency technology to heat the adipose tissue to reduce fat and cellulite. In two to three doses of less than one hour, the FDA-cleared treatment works on multiple areas of the body such as belly, thighs and buttocks. Harnessing the body’s natural system, the RF energy breaks down fat cells, delivering results in four to 12 weeks. Practitioners apply a hand-held device, which delivers a comfortable pulse of RF energy, to the skin for roughly four minutes before moving to the next region to be treated. The procedure is so easy and comfortable that there is no downtime or even pain medications involved.

Shrink-Wrap Liposuction
Pioneered by triple board-certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Raffi Hovsepian, Beverly Hills Shrink-Wrap Liposuction is a whole new approach to liposuction that combines two revolutionary techniques in liposuction to replace the usual tummy tuck. Instead of the traditional invasive form of liposuction, the procedure targets, removes and melts those excess fat deposits – retracting collagen, tightening the skin and shrinking the tissue – using laser technology with minute, hidden incisions. With little downtime after the liposuction is performed, the procedure liquefies, destroys and permanently removes fat cells, leaving nerves and blood vessels be, in contrast to typical liposuction. Skin tightening and shrinking works for months after the treatment and normal activities can be resumed the day after. Check it out at The Beverly Hills Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery.

TriPollar Technology
TriPollar Technology can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin as well as for body sculpting and cellulite reduction. The low-power technology applies pain-free focused and optimal radio-frequency energy to the skin surface and to subcutaneous fat layers, shrinking the fat cells without surgery. The method employs third generation RF technology, requiring less energy and avoiding heating the skin with focused technologies unlike the first two generation procedures. As the collagen fibers are heated, they contract, tightening the skin. Fat cells are likewise heated and shrink, secreting liquid fat that is then disposed of through the blood system. Results are immediate and visible – and lasting. A series of treatments produces even greater results.

Carboxytherapy injects carbon dioxide gas into the skin to break down fatty tissues and encourage collagen and elastin production. As the epidermis thickens, stretch marks, fine lines and fatty tissues are smoothed and eliminated. The body’s hemoglobin binds the carbon dioxide and releases the oxygen, causing the tissue to “hyperoxygenate.” Collagen formation and oxygenated blood flow are increased. Fat cells burst and are eliminated as the carbon dioxide is toxic to these cells. You can expect to see a difference in the appearance of your skin, especially cellulite and contours, with a series of weekly treatments.

Also referred to as “surgical medicine,” Mesotherapy involves directly injecting medication to the skin and fat of your trouble areas. Depending on your needs, a microscopic selection of homeopathic medications, traditional pharmaceuticals, vitamins, minerals and amino acids are injected into the skin, breaking down fat. Using thin, short needles, the mostly painless technique injects the medication, stimulating the body’s natural healing powers with typically no side effects. Only certain areas are treated, and the regions are mapped before the microinjections are administered.

Tagged in: beauty, technology, weight loss, fat, liposuction,



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