
Eco-nutrition: Cool Cuisine: Take the Bite Out of Global Warming

Eco-nutrition, eating environmentally friendly to reduce your personal carbon footprint, what a concept! wink

Omg! Brilliant! So here is a great new book just released that outlines how ‘your food choices can reduce global warming as effectively as buying a new fuel-efficient vehicle.’ It outlines the eco-impact associated with our diets and how the current food production system contributes a large amount of ‘greenhouse gas emissions to our atmosphere.’ There are plenty of opportunities to reduce our impact on the atmosphere by considering alternative options to the current use of petroleum-based chemicals, meat-centric diets and the distance of imported food.

Cool Cuisine: Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming is a book that is written by co-authors Laura Stec, chef, and Dr. Eugene Cordero in three parts. The first section provides a detailed background on food production systems and the connection to global warming. Next, they discuss practical solutions and options each individual can take to make a considerable difference. It includes real-life case studies aimed at revolutionizing the way the food system currently operates, such as Google’s Café 150, Kiteship and Coskata, Inc. Lastly, it addresses ways to consciously cook in your kitchen utilizing simple techniques in true LUX fashion!! wink

Today’s industrial-chemical-agricultural-marketing system is stealing [the ritual of cooking and eating] away, offering us a less healthy, less tasty food system where price and portability are king, and pollution, global warming, and a host of other planetary ills are icing on the cake. By reconnecting to the sources of our food, however, and acknowledging the central role food plays in our lives, we can take that ritual back. And by valuing where our food comes from and the land, animals, and farmers who give it to us, food and eating can enrich our bodies as well as our minds and our spirits.

Cool Cuisine offers a blend between scientific fact and culinary art where you can learn new ways to look at global warming. It inspires personal life changes and helps to expand your eco-consciousness in re-examining your eating habits. By making some simple shifts each one of us can make a difference on in our health, climate change and local economies!

For more information, check out

Tagged in: nutrition, health, diet, climate change, global warming, pollution, cool cuisine,, google cafe 150, food production, kiteship, coskata, inc.,

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