
Pink Taxis Help Woman Take the Power into Their Own Hands

So LUXies, what do you think about having taxicabs driven by women, exclusively for women?

Well that’s exactly what has happened in Puebla, Mexico with a new fleet of 35 ‘pink taxis.’ As a way to offer safe transportation to the female population, there has been a new line of taxicabs that will never stop for male passengers. Each taxi is equipped with beauty essentials and completely caters to the female perspective.

Another main motivation behind this new women-only service is to avoid the never ending sexual comments, gestures and glaring that occurs with male taxi drivers toward female passengers.

Now, some debate whether this is actually a solution? Some suggest that it’s an elaborate way to ignore the problem of sexual harassment?

Vianeth Rojas, of the Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Puebla, seems to agree, according to the Huffington Post: “We are in the 21st century, and they are saying women have continued worrying about beauty and nothing more…They are absolutely not helping eradicate violence against women.”

What do you think LUX Nation? Do you find this move for women to have their own safe, female-oriented public transportation helping or hindering social change?

Tagged in: gender equality, social change, pink taxi, pueblo, mexico,

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