
Wellness Wednesday: What Your Body Reveals About Your Health

A nutritionist can be helpful in figuring out vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, but sometimes you can assess the state of your health through common signs that show up on the body. The following signs are accompanied by information on what they mean and what you can do to help. Use this simple guide to determine what you may be lacking in your diet!


Dark circles: Indicates a food allergy and weak kidney energy. Solution: Incorporate foods that nourish the kidney such as quinoa and try drinking raw cranberry juice daily for a week.


Cracks behind the ears: Sign of a zinc deficiency. Solution: Eat foods rich in zinc such as pumpkin seeds and papayas and add a zinc supplement.

Oozing wax: You are deficient in essential fatty acids. Solution: Add flax seeds or linseeds to your diet. Take extra evening primrose oil or omega-3s.


Dandruff: This can be caused by a yeast overgrowth or deficiencies of essential fatty acids, vitamin B6 or selenium. Solution: Immediately reduce your sugar intake and start taking fish oil each day. Eat foods high in enzymes and introduce hair-nourishing supplements such as selenium or biotin into your routine.


Raised capillaries: Sign of low stomach acid or digestive enzyme insufficiency. Solution: Your body is craving food enzymes! Fill up on raw fruits and veggies and take a digestive enzyme before meals. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals may also help.

Pimples: This points to congestion and imbalances in the body. You can tell which organs are affected based on where they are situated. Solution: Read this acne guide to see where you may have imbalances.


Crack down the middle: This indicates a weak stomach and improper digestion. You are most likely depleted of nutrients. Solution: Take a digestive enzyme with meals to help break down food and look into food combining. Foods that are easy to digest such as smoothies and soups will help get you back on track.

Small cracks and grooves: This is a sign of malabsorption of vitamins, especially vitamin B, and is often accompanied by a lack of energy. Solution: Add vitamin B complex to your diet and include foods that are high in enzymes and easy to absorb.

Swollen tongue and/or thick white coating: This means that there is too much mucus in the body and that you may be lacking beneficial bacteria. Solution: Cut down on dairy products as they are mucus producing and take an acidophilus capsule or probiotic.


Cracks at each corner: Sign of vitamin B2 deficiency. Solution: Eat plenty of vitamin B rich foods such as leafy greens and almonds and take a vitamin B complex supplement.


Breaking/chipping nails: Indication that your liver needs helps. This could also be a calcium, zinc or essential fatty acid deficiency. Solution: Eat plenty of calcium and zinc filled broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, whole grains and sea vegetables. Try drinking nettle tea; it is a panacea for delivering nutrients to the body

White spots: This is a classic sign of a zinc deficiency. Solution: Snack on zinc-rich foods and add a zinc supplement daily.

Swollen/puffy fingers or hands: Sign of a B6 deficiency. Solution: Eat plenty of vitamin B-rich foods such as avocados, brown rice and legumes and add an additional supplement if needed.

Red, scaly skin: This could be a sign of food sensitivities or a deficiency in vitamins C, E and essential fatty acids. Solution: Get tested for food allergies and try adding vitamin supplements to your diet.


Pimply bumps on arms: This is a possible sign of beta-carotene, B complex or essential fatty acid deficiencies. Solution: Take supplements for the nutrients you are lacking and eat a variety of foods with high levels of B12. Taking digestive enzymes will also help you absorb other nutrients.

Leg cramps: Indicates low calcium levels and a possible magnesium deficiency. Solution: Eat lots of leafy greens including seaweed and include a calcium and magnesium supplement.

Cracked feet: Possible rise of yeast in the body. Solution: Add a biotin supplement to your diet to prevent yeast organisms from growing full cycle.

Read more Wellness Wednesday

Tagged in: wellness, food, beauty, wellness wednesday, skin, nutrition, health,

Lifestyle / Wellness



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