
The Women’s Conference:  Empowering Women to Be the Architects of Change

LUXies, about 25,000 women gathered for a 2-day convention called ‘The Women’s Conference’ located in Long Beach, California late this October. The focus of this women-centered affair was to equip women from all over the world to embrace who they truly are and to become the ‘Architects of Change’ in their own lives as well as others.

It’s by far the largest conference of its kind in America. It included about 80 different internationally acclaimed leaders to share a wide variety of tools, stories and empowering messages aimed to drive the powerful message of femininity and leadership home.

Some of the highlights include Eve Ensler’s message from her new book ‘I Am An EMOTIONAL Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World.’ Which discusses the emotional aspect of being a woman and how we’re meant to embrace this characteristic and not hide from it any longer. This is a powerful message to any female who has at any moment misunderstood her own internal feelings and guidance system she can’t afford to ignore moving into the 21st century.

Throughout the conference the messages were completely authentic and from the heart. Many professional speakers were weaved in with real down to earth stories meant to connect the audience through the heart. One of the most powerful messages was the first public appearance of Lisa Niemi, the late Patrick Swayze’s wife. Another powerful speaker was Maria Shiver, who spoke of her own personal hardship with losing her mother.

As you can tell, this is a life-changing event meant to empower the feminine perspective and shift how women are traditionally viewed in today’s world to even further heights. We’re in a time of change and truly capturing the ‘genius’ of our female perspectives is what’s crucial to move us forward.

Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s event. This is most definitely a place where women of all backgrounds are called to gather to empower true transformation for our planet, the world and our own lives!

To learn more about the information shared at this event, visit The Women’s Conference online.

Tagged in: female empowerment, maria shriver, lisa niemi, the women's conference,

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