
ECO-LUX:  Looking for Something and Short on Cash, Explore

LUXies, we found this cool new grassroots movement of people coming together to gift and give some neat stuff. This new online destination definitely embodies the phrase ‘one man’s trash is the other’s treasure’ and actually helps to incorporate ‘reuse, recycle and reduce’ in a whole new perspective!

So before you look to garage sales or simply donate your stuff, perhaps you can visit and see if someone is looking for the items you want to give away.

By looking within your own town, you just may find some of your own buried treasure. As well as give some of your own goodies away. How cool, right?

From their website: “Our mission is to build a worldwide gifting movement that reduces waste, saves precious resources and eases the burden on our landfills while enabling our members to benefit from the strength of a larger community.”

Freecycle was founded on the idea of ‘recycling’ some of our stuff, but in a way that helped everyone. It reminds me of a swap party where you can bring something you’re looking to give away and receive something else in exchange. Expanding on the concept you can now ‘gift’ some of your stuff to people who’re actually looking for that exact thing you’re looking to get rid of. We love the reciprocity concept here! It’s very much LUX.

So next time you’re considering simply ‘throwing’ away that old bike or waiting to donate a bunch of stuff to Good Will or the Salvation Army, try supporting the movement.

WE would love to hear from anyone who has actually tried this and we look forward to building a ‘green’ planet for many generations to come!

So ECO-LUXies, what do you think of Is it something you can help spread the word on and promote to be the norm for reducing waste?

Tagged in: recycle, reuse, reduce, green movement,,

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