
LUX Loves: Trendy Vending

Vending machines are usually associated with unhealthy snacks and corporate break-rooms but a whole new trend of LUX vending machines are hitting the streets, from Paris to Los Angeles, giving trendy travelers their necessities at the push of a button.

Paris: Perfume
Starting last month, Parisian metro stations feature Sephora vending machines that sell small sizes of CK One for 10 euros. No need to leave the subway feeling smelly, this uni-sex scent is an easy fix to a common commuter problem.

UK: After-party shoes
Every girl’s worst nightmare: After a long night out with the girls, no cabs are available and she has to cardio the way home. The worst part? In her 4 inch Louboutins. British brands, Rollasoles and Afterheels, offer a savvy solution to party-goers. Just insert £5 and out pops ballet flats! Rollasoles doesn’t just give a gal plain old black, but makes these flats totally wearable to the after-party in hues such as gold, silver and pink. Where to put the stilettos? Both names offer a tiny tote to carry your club shoes.

USA: Bathing suits
A classic travel problem, everyone has shown up beachside without a bathing suit. Don’t fret! Quicksilver teamed up with The Standard Hotel to solve the problem. Instead of settling for boring trunks, shop trendy styles poolside. Mojito anyone?

Tagged in: perfume, paris, flats, swimsuits, uk, usa, party shoes, vending machine, luxury goods,

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